Money Matters

Out and About July 2024

24 Jul 2024 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

In late June, the team enjoyed a lunch offsite at Javier’s to celebrate Matt, Allie and Alana‘s birthdays for the second quarter.  The food was delicious and the team had fun celebrating the three birthdays for the quarter.

In early July, the CCMI team spent a day out of the office for our annual all-hands business planning meeting.  We discussed our “wish” list on how to improve CCMI and did a team building activity which involved a scavenger hunt in Old Town.  The team enjoyed planning for the year and bonding outside the office.  

The advisors spent two days rebalancing all client portfolios in early July.  Rebalancing is a normal part of the CCMI service calendar to make sure we create needed cash, address any dividends or interest that have paid out, and make sure the portfolios are aligned with each clients overall risk.  Rebalancing days means advisors are locked in their offices for a couple of days working on the trades and making sure everything is traded accurately. 

As Rotary Club 33 starts a new year with new officers, Kim is going to be co-chairing the Grotarian Committee. With this Rotary club being one of the 10 largest in the world, with over 400 members, this committee will provide events and other gatherings to help new members learn more about Rotary and connect with other new and long-time members. Kim is looking forward to getting more connected with others as she helps lead the vision for this committee in the upcoming year.

Kim continues to be connected with her Women In Business group as a member. While she is no longer on the board, she often hosts book club or makes time to attend the many events offered throughout the year. Kim attended the latest happy hour event and enjoyed seeing familiar faces and meeting new members.

On the Home Front

Brian enjoyed a rather quiet time period to catch up on work in late June while the rest of his family was out of town.  Koa (age 12) attended a week-long camp at Kamehameha Schools in Hawaii to learn about his Hawaiian roots.  Brian’s wife Nikki and son Kai (age 14) went to Hawaii to drop Koa off, and enjoyed spending time with friends and family during the week (Nikki was born and raised on the island of Oahu).  Emma (age 17) went on a humanitarian trip with other high school age kids to Indonesia where she helped build a recreation center for children in an impoverished area of the country.  She loved learning about the culture and serving the people of Indonesia.  The Matter family also hosted a 4th of July party in their backyard as fireworks are launched right behind their house.  Brian was happy to all be together again as Emma arrived home from her trip right as the first fireworks were being launched!

Matt and his family enjoyed a getaway to Malibu, near Matt’s alma mater, Pepperdine University, while daughter Lizzie attended volleyball camp there. Matt, Alex, and Jacob enjoyed the beaches and local restaurants while Lizzie was at camp, then all four of them explored together on their final day. It was great for Matt to have his whole family in his college town.

During the past month, Kim has been back on the bike, riding 20 to 30 miles per week.  On the 4th of July, she and her friends participated in the Scripps Ranch Old Pros bike ride and fun run. Kim and one friend did 35 miles biking and the rest of the group did the 10k or two-mile fun run. It was fun to reconvene at the finish line and celebrate the 4th together! Kim and Tyler were lucky to have gotten to experience seats behind home plate at a San Diego Padres game against the Milwaukee Brewers. While the Padres lost the game, they enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime experience sitting in premier seats.

After a busy last month, the Vieregg family is welcoming some much-needed rest and relaxation.  The highlights this past month were helping daughter Sara and her friend move into an apartment in North Park and enjoying the beautiful weather on their boat over the July 4th holiday!

Monica and Mike spent a week visiting family in Boise. Cole and Megan joined them from Colorado and brought their Corgi, Barney, along too. They enjoyed riding bikes along the Boise Greenbelt Path, stopping to enjoy food and drinks while listening to local music. They floated down the Boise River and traveled to McCall for a day trip. They had a prime location to watch the quaint 4th of July parade in downtown Boise and celebrated the day with a BBQ. They then watched neighborhood fireworks with the locals and really had a great time!

Abby has been enjoying the summer with short getaways and spending time with family and friends. She went to Las Vegas with a couple long-time girlfriends, one who lives out of state and hadn’t been to Las Vegas since the ‘80s, so it was fun to experience it with her. Though hot, they still enjoyed the pool, eating around town, and doing some shopping. Abby stayed close for the 4th of July; she enjoyed the holiday relaxing at home, spending it with her daughter and dog, Nai.

The Hurleys spent a weekend in Palm Desert with their extended family. Olivia and Gigi had a blast swimming with their cousins. They also headed to Costa Rica for a fun family adventure — details to come!

The Willifords have been enjoying the summer heat! This month, they frequented Grandma and Grandpa’s pool! It has been so fun to watch Ansley turn into a confident swimming goofball! Mackenzie is almost sitting up entirely on her own and her first tooth has made its appearance! It has been a big month of developmental milestones! The family also spent an evening at the Del celebrating Grandma’s retirement. It was a lovely evening with a beautiful sunset!

Alana had a lovely month! Her mom flew in for a visit, and Alana, along with her sister, took her salsa dancing at a vibrant venue near the airport. Given her mom’s love for dancing and trying new things, it was the perfect event. Alana also celebrated her birthday with her family at the Kingfisher in South Park. It was her first-time dining there, and she was particularly impressed with the delicious scallops and chicken dishes. Alana is looking forward to the year ahead, feeling grateful for the precious time spent with her friends and family.

Allie and Gus ended the month of June with a couple concerts in Chula Vista. They had an awesome time seeing Noah Kahan and Third Eye Blind over the span of a few days. They celebrated 4th of July with friends at the beach and had a great view of several fireworks shows from their backyard.


CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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