Financial Planning Category
Why the 5 Years Before Retirement Are Critical
29 Feb 2024 by: Matt Showley

If retirement is on the horizon within five years, now is the time to revisit your retirement plan and ensure you’re on track. This period…

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How to Help When Someone Asks “How Do I Change Financial Advisors?”

When considering changing financial advisors, several factors come into play. You may know someone contemplating this transition, whether prompted by a firm acquisition, shifts in…

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How to Navigate RTX (Raytheon) Stock for Retirement Planning

A comprehensive retirement plan has become a critical component of financial well-being. Many Americans now rely on 401(k) plans as their primary retirement savings vehicle….

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Pros and Cons of Retiring in San Diego

When you consider your retirement years, what do you envision? Many soon-to-be retirees imagine spending their time close to family, traveling, and pursuing new and…

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The Top Three Expense Categories You Should Review to Save More Money
28 Mar 2022 by: Kim Benson

“Skip your daily coffee run.” “Pack a lunch.” We’ve all heard money-saving tips like these, and while small, daily practices can save you some money,…

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What is a Financial Plan, and Why Should You Build One?

We’ve all thought about what we want to achieve in life, but applying strategy and discipline to reach those goals can be challenging to do…

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Five Money Mistakes Couples Make and How to Overcome Them
24 Aug 2021 by: Kim Benson

Communication in a relationship where finances are shared is paramount to ensuring you and your partner are on the same page. Money can be a…

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Budgeting for Baby: Financial Planning Steps for Your Newest Addition
27 Apr 2021 by: Matt Showley

Welcoming a new baby is an exciting chapter filled with memorable firsts and sleepless but fulfilling nights. Preparation is invaluable in making the time with…

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The Top 3 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Financial Advisor
18 Feb 2021 by: Matt Showley

There are many reasons you may be ready to partner with a financial advisor. You may have even narrowed down a few firms based on…

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Sudden Job Loss—How to Prepare for a Layoff
9 Feb 2021 by: Kim Benson

Companies continue to struggle due to the pandemic, with many having to lay off employees. You may find yourself on the other side of a…

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