Retirement Planning Category
How to Navigate RTX (Raytheon) Stock for Retirement Planning

A comprehensive retirement plan has become a critical component of financial well-being. Many Americans now rely on 401(k) plans as their primary retirement savings vehicle….

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A Guide to Comprehensive Retirement Planning

A comprehensive retirement plan includes the financial and mental preparation required to fulfill your post-career life. However, to achieve the retirement you imagine, you must…

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Pros and Cons of Retiring in San Diego

When you consider your retirement years, what do you envision? Many soon-to-be retirees imagine spending their time close to family, traveling, and pursuing new and…

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How to Avoid Equity Compensation Tax Mistakes in Your Retirement Planning

More employers, such as start-ups and tech companies in San Diego, are offering equity options within their compensation plans to align employee and employer interests,…

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5 Steps Retirees Should Take to Manage the Risks of High Inflation
25 Oct 2022 by: Matt Showley

Everyone is feeling the pinch of higher inflation, especially the rising costs of goods from groceries to gas. However, groups such as retirees face a…

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Using the Spousal IRA to Keep Retirement on Track During the Great Resignation

In a blog post last year on Financial Tips for the Great Resignation, CCMI’s Tina Vieregg, CFP®, BFA™ wrote about many workers resigning from their…

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Raytheon Technologies Employees: Should you change your 401(k) contribution or allocation?

It is not a secret that the stock market had a rough start to the year. Sometimes when we see our balances going down, we…

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Three Topics Retirees Should Discuss Before Returning to Work

A second-act or encore career is a common pursuit of retirees or near-retirees following decades of hard work, perhaps building a business and fulfilling professional…

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Inflation and Retirement Planning
29 Dec 2021 by: Matt Showley

Recent data shows that inflation is now at its highest level in 39 years, with the 12-month inflation reading now at 6.8% as of November…

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Is a Traditional or Roth 401(k) Right for You?
22 Dec 2021 by: Kim Benson

Whether you have just started saving for retirement, have changed jobs and want to switch up your retirement options, or are exploring new tax-efficient investment…

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