Money Matters

OUT & ABOUT September 2023

28 Sep 2023 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

CCMI has been settling into our new office.  The boxes are gone and the major work is done, with only minor decorations and pictures to be added to finalize the space.  We are enjoying our new home and look forward to hosting our open house on October 5.

As CCMI is registered with the SEC we occasionally receive the opportunity to go through an examination with the governing entity.  CCMI was notified in May about the examination and Brian and Matt completed the examination via an exit call with the examiners in early September.  After reviewing the SEC’s conclusion letter, CCMI’s compliance attorney said “I’d consider these results a home run for CCMI.”  We work hard to remain compliant and will take any feedback from the SEC to continue improving our compliance program at CCMI.  

The CCMI team celebrated third quarter birthdays of Brian, Monica, Abby and Jessica at a lunch in mid-September.  The team enjoys getting away from the office to get to know each other better.

Matt attended his quarterly advisor study group in Orange County and received great insight into how other top firms in the region operate. CCMI continues to be a leader operationally and in client services and Matt shares and receives details on best practices from this talented group.

Kim has been attending weekly Rotary meetings and getting more involved. She attended a poolside chat where she met new and long-time members of Rotary. She is looking forward to seeing how her experience will unfold as she continues to participate and find opportunities.

Tina worked with several clients in July and August to complete financial plans. It’s always a rewarding experience to witness the clarity a financial plan can provide as clients get to visualize their financial future and have a roadmap for moving forward. 

In August, Alana was fully immersed in her CFP® exam studies; thanks to her mini-tutoring sessions with Matt she is feeling more and more prepared to sit for the exam. She was able to attend the Dimensional Funds Foundations Conference in Santa Monica, which offered valuable insights into Dimensional’s systematic investing approach and its benefits for CCMI clients. It had a special focus on effective communication in the realm of investments to better serve clients.

On the Home Front

The Matter family enjoyed boating on Labor Day this year.  They were invited by friends to join them at a lake for some wake surfing and tubing.  It was the first time wake surfing for most of the family and the family had a lot of fun!

Matt and Alex took a long weekend away with some close friends in Dallas, where they enjoyed some delicious food, museums and exploring a new city for them. But it was a little hotter than expected. They also went to the Coldplay concert at Snapdragon Stadium—a great night out seeing one of their favorite bands.

Kim and Tyler went to Maine to visit family and spend time at their favorite rental at the beach. They explored around Portland, biked on the Eastern Trail, ate lots of lobster, and  enjoyed everyone’s company. They were happy to be able to visit with other local family and friends while in town!

Tina headed back to Ohio to visit her mom and enjoy a fun weekend in Marblehead with friends from school. She also attended her cousin’s wedding and her great-nephew’s second birthday party so it was an action-packed trip.  

Monica, Mike, and Alex spent a weekend in Northern California for a wedding. They flew into Oakland and did a scenic two-hour drive to Ukiah. Along the way they stopped in Santa Rosa and visited the Charles M. Schulz Museum. Monica and Alex had fun exploring and reading classic Peanuts comic strips. The morning of the wedding the three did a two-mile hike in Montgomery Woods State Natural Reserve. They felt like they were in an enchanted forest surrounded by huge redwood trees. The wedding of Alex’s childhood friend took place outside in a beautiful garden. The reception included Peruvian food, popsicles, and dancing under twinkle lights.

Abby went on a getaway over the Labor Day week with a few friends to Loreto, Mexico – a very quaint and relaxing town. The group also went to Isla de Coronado, which had some of the most beautiful water where Abby didn’t even need snorkel gear to see the fish. It’s definitely a destination she will visit again, as she loved the little sleepy town. Abby is always gathering with friends and families but loves it as it seems there is always something to celebrate, whether it’s birthday dinners or just catching up with friends.

The Hurley girls were excited for the start of the new school year. Gigi started kindergarten and is having a blast learning and making new friends. Olivia’s second grade class is looping into third grade with the same teacher and class roster so she’s thrilled to be with her “school family.” Mike and Jessica enjoyed a weekend away attending a wedding in Orange County. It was nice to have some time away from the girls and even better to return home!

This month has been full of birthday celebrations for the Willifords. By the end of September, they will have attended a birthday party every weekend, with the last one being the most important, Ansley’s second birthday! Since she loves Sesame Street, she was spoiled with Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes. Throughout the month, she has continued to make strides in gaining independence and often says “no, mommy,” especially when Katie tries to wipe remnants of breakfast or other meals off her face.

Alana cherished celebrating her sister’s 36th birthday with a “razzle-dazzle” themed brunch by the newly refurbished Lafayette. Angie and Alana live together in their newly purchased condo in Spring Valley. They share the space with Angie’s Belgian Malinois, Chico, and Alana’s tabby cat, Meow-Meow. 



CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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