Money Matters

Out & About – July 2021

29 Jul 2021 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

July has been a busy month in the CCMI office, as many clients have elected to come by for in-person meetings. Our team is enjoying physically being in the same room with clients after a year in which virtual meetings became the norm. 

Kim and the rest of the team have been working to streamline the financial planning process over the past few months to make it more efficient and improve the experience for clients. We continually review processes to ensure we are incorporating the latest technology while keeping our high standards on quality.

Kim’s term as president of Women in Business (WIB) has ended. It was an interesting time and the group was able to pivot and provide virtual programming over the past 12 months. WIB recently had a board retreat to talk about the upcoming year; Kim will continue on as Membership co-chair, with a goal of growing the membership beyond pre-pandemic levels.

Matt Showley attended a half-day advisor study group, where fellow advisors from around Southern California discussed inflation, cybersecurity risks, and other practice management ideas. This forum is always a great way to stay up-to-date on the industry and what we can do to better serve clients.

Matt Ryan worked on a number of projects this month, including one to help increase the efficiency of our quarterly rebalancing. Although our rebalancing process is smooth and efficient, there is always room for improvement.  Another quick project he worked on was to update our scheduling links to include the option for in-person meetings, something the team is excited about. 

Abby has been consistently busy with finalizing financial plans and learning new processes along the way. It seems things are busier than ever since she started with CCMI last September. Now that clients are returning for in person meetings, she is enjoying meeting clients in person. Abby continues to enjoy learning something new every day, meeting the clients and putting faces to names.  

On the Home Front

Matt Showley has been busy in their newly remodeled home organizing their garage and swapping out old furniture with new replacements. In mid-July, Matt and his son Jacob (7) had some one-on-one time for a week while Alex and Elizabeth (9) took a girls’ trip to see friends. The family is also making plans to attend a family friend’s wedding in Alaska in August.

Brian’s family returned from their trip to Hawaii and moved into their new home in Poway. The Matter kids are enjoying swimming in the pool daily, as Brian and Nikki get the rest of the house in order.

For Kim and Tyler, the month of July resulted in catching up with friends and acquaintances they haven’t been able to see in person for some time. They also went to Disneyland and California Adventure early in the month for a friend’s delayed birthday celebration, which was lots of fun but also a very long day!

Matt Ryan and his wife Jess spent the Independence Day holiday running around Ocean Beach and Point Loma. They witnessed the 4th of July madness at the beach, as they had a picnic on the sand with some friends for lunch. Given that they ended up getting there around 11 a.m., there was not a parking spot within a mile. Luckily for Matt, after dropping off his family with all the supplies and parking a mile away, he found his running shoes in his car and was able to get a short workout by jogging back to the beach.

Monica and her family spent the long 4th of July weekend hosting family and friends for food and fireworks—and both did not disappoint! She and her girlfriends celebrated multiple birthdays in July, along with a bon voyage party for a friend leaving to be a nurse on a cruise ship The Larsons also hosted a family from Wisconsin and spent a week playing tourist with their guests. Visits to Balboa Park, La Jolla, Julian, Little Italy and of course Coronado were on the agenda.

For the 4th of July, Sheila, John, and Anastasia joined several hundred neighbors to march in the 16th Annual Normal Heights Independence Day People’s Parade. Anastasia and a few friends rode their bikes, while the parents walked alongside them, and everyone finished the parade with popsicles and ice cream sandwiches. Then on Monday of that long weekend, they were invited to a neighborhood cul-de-sac party in Serra Mesa to celebrate the holiday. It was a really nice time; the kids got to have lots of water play and go for a bike ride afterward. Summer has definitely arrived! 

Abby was able to spend the long 4th of July holiday weekend in Mexico. She has close friends who have lived outside of Cabo San Lucas for many years, so she usually goes a couple times a year; it’s home away from home. It’s been a couple of years since Abby’s been able to visit, so it was a nice getaway and always a wonderful place to relax.

CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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