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Spotlight: Kim Benson
8 May 2020 by: Kim Benson

This week we are continuing our spotlight series with Kim! What is a day in your CCMI life like? My day starts early so I…

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Medicare & COVID-19
9 Apr 2020 by: Matt Showley

While we hope that at some point a therapy and ultimately a vaccine will be developed to address the COVID-19 pandemic, we must also prepare…

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Six Behavioral Traits that Can Influence Your Investments
23 Mar 2020 by: Matt Showley

Successful investing isn’t always based on picking the right stock, bond, region, sector, or strategy. More often, successful investing is linked directly to your behavior…

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Spotlight: Monica Larson
19 Mar 2020 by: Monica Larson

This week, our spotlight series continues with Monica Larson, who celebrated her 10 year work anniversary with CCMI last week! What is a day in…

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Coronavirus and Market Declines
5 Mar 2020 by: Brian Matter

The world is watching with concern on the spread of the new coronavirus. The uncertainty is being felt around the globe, and it is unsettling…

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Spotlight: Brian Matter
27 Feb 2020 by: Brian Matter

Continuing our Spotlight Series, today we are sharing about Brian Matter. What is a day in your CCMI life like? Every day is different.  Most…

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Millennial Tax Problems
25 Feb 2020 by: Matt Showley

Completing your tax return can be tough and may feel like getting caught in a tax tornado of deadlines, deductions, credits, withholdings, income, and schedules….

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Roth Strategies for 2020
7 Feb 2020 by: Kim Benson

Since the Tax Payer Relief Act of 1997, Roth accounts have been a widely sought out account type for working individuals of all ages. As…

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Spotlight: Matt Showley
31 Jan 2020 by: Matt Showley

What is a day in your CCMI life like? My day begins by helping my wife get our kids ready for school.  After I give…

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The SECURE Act – how might it affect me?
15 Jan 2020 by: Brian Matter

The SECURE Act stands for “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement” and is the most significant change to retirement plan policy in over a…

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