Money Matters

Out and About – June 2020

30 Jun 2020 by: CCMI 

At the Firm…

Most of the CCMI team is continuing to work remotely for now, but some team members have slowly started returning to the office. CCMI has a documented reopening procedure which consists of a lot of cleaning, sanitizing and social distancing, among other requirements. The building is still under lockdown measures, meaning CCMI team members must escort any visitors into the building, thus we are not yet open for client meetings and will continue using Zoom for the time being. We continue to be fully operational whether working remotely or in the office, so we remain available to assist you.

CCMI is pleased to announce that our new website has launched. Check out the updated look here and let us know what you think!

As required by the SEC, CCMI filed the new Client Relationship Summary (CRS) in June which will be sent to all of our clients. The content should be familiar to existing clients, but please let us know if you have any questions about the CRS when you receive it.

We are pleased to announce that Brian is now a Certified Private Wealth Advisor® professional after successfully completing the examination on June 20 and the subsequent application process. The CPWA® Certification is advanced learning for advisors who serve high-net-worth clients, including business owners and executives. Brian signed up for the program in January, using the time during the quarantine to complete the online coursework from Yale School of Management and study for the exam. From the end of January to June, Brian would generally study from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., work and spend time with family, and then study for an hour or two each evening as well. Needless to say, he is glad that he passed and can spend his free time enjoying other activities. One of CCMI’s core values is to strengthen our team, and part of the way we do that is through continual learning and adding to our skillset to be able to better serve our clients.

If you follow CCMI on social media, you may have noticed that we posted a few videos of Matt Ryan sharing financial content in a different way. He plans to continue recording and publishing content periodically going forward. To find Matt Ryan’s videos, head to our Facebook or LinkedIn! If you haven’t followed us on social media yet, you can follow us by clicking any of the following links: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.

As Kim begins the next Women in Business fiscal year as President, she hosted a successful board retreat at her home in mid-June. About half of the members attended in person while others attended using Zoom. The theme of the year is “Pause and Refresh” and the group came up with creative ideas to make this great organization even better! Kim is excited to lead the organization this year as she has previously served on the board in other roles.

On the Home Front…

Brian’s family continued exploring San Diego during the month. In early June, Brian’s daughter Emma (age 13) researched various street art / murals around San Diego and created a driving tour for the family to visit the art. The tour started in Chicano Park to view the various diverse murals under the Coronado bridge, continued up through North Park, traveled through Pacific Beach and ended in La Jolla. The family had fun discovering art throughout San Diego. Brian’s family also continued mountain biking in the Laguna Mountains (pictured), although Brian learned the trails can sometimes be a little rough as he snapped his seat off of the post while going over some particularly rough bumps!

Matt Showley and his family have officially started packing up their home to begin a six-month remodel that will begin in July. They have spent most nights and weekends sorting through things to either donate, keep with them, or pack away until 2021.

Matt Ryan was able to get out on the golf course this month. He played with a couple of high school friends at Riverwalk in Mission Valley. It was the first time he swung a club in over four months and he ended up having one of the best games he has ever played. He also traveled to Mammoth for a long weekend with his wife and her family. They hiked around the mountains and enjoyed being outdoors. Matt and Jess love to travel but have had to cancel a number of trips due to the coronavirus, so leaving the San Diego area for a few days was refreshing.

Kim and Tyler traveled to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks at the end of the month to meet up with Kim’s college friends from the east coast. They enjoyed hiking, relaxing and spending time with their friends and their daughters while practicing social distancing. It was a fun last-minute road trip given that other planned vacations have been postponed for now.

Monica continues to spend evenings and weekends walking. This started with the CCMI Team step challenge in April and she hasn’t stopped. She has over 90 days in a row of walking 10,000 steps or more! Her family continues to work on puzzles and play games together with their free time.

Katie and Ben have continued to enjoy the stay-at-home orders. Sadly, Katie’s grandmother had a stroke this month, so the family has spent most of the month taking care of her and planning her future care. Katie’s immediate family was able to head down to Borrego Springs for a small weekend respite away from the intense situation of a family member with declining health. They also were able to have a small celebration in honor of her brother graduating from dental school. Although the party could not be as spectacular as they envisioned pre-COVID, it was quite special!

Sheila, John, and Anastasia have continued staying close to home with a couple of ventures outdoors during the month to the beach at Crown Point one weekend, a visit to Chollas Park to see geese on Father’s Day, and a Friday evening out to the rose garden by Balboa Park. They continue to await the decision on a summer reopening from Anastasia’s preschool which held a small graduation ceremony near the end of the month. Anastasia cried when she had to leave her friends during such a bittersweet time! But she says her favorite part of being home every day is getting to see the butterflies that visit their small backyard garden.


CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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