Making money! Almost every college student dreams of a high paying career right out of college. Financial Advisor Magazine released this article in their November 8th e-newsletter, written by Karen Demasters, citing the top 10 college degrees that pay the most after graduation. As we have observed, it has become increasingly more difficult for young men and women to land a solid career right out of college, especially a high paying one. This list of top paying jobs for recent grads is something you may want to consider when selecting your undergraduate major.
10 College Degrees That Land Highest Paying Jobs
Even with college degrees in their pockets, American graduates can still face a challenging job market. But there are some degrees that almost guarantee a good salary even in an entry level job.
Seventy percent of high school graduates enter college. Those who stick with it to earn a four-year degree are far better prepared to find a job upon graduation. Those who major in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) are more likely to not only find a job, but get in on the ground floor of a well-paying profession., a website for job searches and job-related information, ranked jobs that pay the most for entry level positions. The social sciences are absent from the list of the top 10. Finances, including financial analysts, accountants and investment banking analysts, come in 11th with a starting median base salary of $54,900.
Following are the top 10 degrees that lead to the best paying starting positions, along with the beginning median base salary and a few examples of popular entry level jobs that can be pursued in each area, according to
No. 1: Computer science, $70,000.
Software engineer, systems engineer, web developer.
No. 2: Electrical engineering, $68,438.
Electrical engineer, system engineer, software developer.
No. 3: Mechanical engineering, $68,000.
Mechanical engineer, design engineer, project engineer.
No. 4: Chemical engineering, $65,000.
Chemical engineer, process engineer, project engineer.
No. 5: Industrial engineering, $64,381.
Industrial engineer, quality engineer, production planner.
No. 6: Information technology, $64,008.
Programmer analyst, technical support, systems engineer.
No. 7: Civil engineering, $61,500.
Civil engineer, structural engineer, field engineer.
No. 8: Statistics, $60,000.
Data analyst, statistician, data scientist.
No. 9: Nursing, $58,928.
Registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse, case manager.
No. 10: Management information systems, $58,000.
Network administrator, help desk analyst, business analyst.
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