Money Matters

Out & About – July 2022

25 Jul 2022 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

CCMI hosted our compliance attorney from New Jersey for a mock audit. While there are always areas to improve upon, the attorney indicated we are a well set up firm from a compliance standpoint because everyone on the team participates in keeping us compliant with all the rules and regulations.    

Brian attended a number of mid-year outlooks from various economists. As a team, we strive to learn from other sources to help provide input on how to manage client portfolios.  

Matt Showley spent quite a bit of time testing a new database software we will soon be implementing. It will give the team more tools and greater integration with other platforms to continue to serve clients most effectively. CCMI hopes to complete the transition to this new internal platform by the end of 2022.

Kim has been working on additional resources for clients who are working through major life events. She continues to work with her study group and community huddle through the Financial Transitionist Institute to exchange ideas to better serve clients.  This month, the focus has been helping widows who have recently lost their spouses.  At the end of the month, Kim will be a guest on a podcast to explain how she helps clients during these difficult life transitions. We will post a blog shortly thereafter; stay tuned!

Matt Ryan was accepted into LEAD San Diego’s Impact Class of 2023. Impact is an immersive 10-month program focused on the issues and industries that are part of our San Diego region’s DNA. There are monthly workshops to learn from community leaders who educate the program participants on what makes San Diego tick, the industries that power us, and the issues we face as a community. 

Tina continues to prepare financial plans for clients to help them bring peace around the issue of money. She has been busy rebalancing portfolios and writing this quarter’s commentary for quarterly reports. It has been an eventful time!

On the Home Front

The Matter family enjoyed the first 4th of July in their home, which they moved into mid-July 2021. The previous owner indicated the house was amazing on Independence Day, and the Matter family found out why: fireworks are launched from the school right behind their backyard! It was amazing to sit on the back grass as a family and watch what felt like a private fireworks show overhead.

The Showleys have taken advantage of great summer weather with several weekends at the beach. Matt and Jacob tried out their new kayak and paddleboard in South Mission, then the kids tried surfing, snorkeling and kayaking at a week-long adventure camp. At the house, they have started a new landscaping project to finally put the finishing touches on the remodel project, which should be done by the end of summer.

Every 4th of July, Kim and Tyler participate in the Scripps Ranch Old Pros 50-mile bike ride and 10k run.  This was the first time in-person after being virtual for two years; they were happy to be back and enjoyed the day. The ride includes almost 3,000 feet of climbing so it was a bit of a challenge for Kim and her friend Debbie, who rode 42 miles in total in the whole month of June!  Tyler achieved a personal record on his 10k distance! In the past month, Kim and Tyler also took a trip with friends to Kentucky and learned about how bourbon is made.

Matt Ryan is enjoying watching his son Reid grow up right before his eyes. This month, Matt and his wife introduced him to sand crabs at the beach. He absolutely loved holding the little critters and waved bye to them as they burrowed back into the sand. Matt also wrapped up his men’s league basketball season. His team made the playoffs and lost a hard-fought semifinal game to end the season.

Tina was able to travel back to her hometown in Ohio to spend time with her parents, sister and brother and celebrate the birthdays of two great-nephews. She returned on July 4, just in time to see the Big Bay Boom with her husband and daughters. 

Monica and Mike celebrated the 4th of July on a boat with friends. They were treated to a relaxing day with delicious food and fabulous fireworks overhead in Coronado Bay. Monica also had a fun dinner full of laughter while reminiscing with four childhood girlfriends. Mike continues to work on home projects and Monica is busy coming up with more for him to do!

Abby had a busy month with friends and family, starting with her yearly girlfriend gathering in Huntington Beach. It’s always a good time with her friends, reminiscing about their roommate days. She also attended many family celebrations: her brother and sister-in-law’s 50th wedding anniversary, a baby shower for her niece and a couple birthday celebrations. Abby spent the 4th of July holiday in town, having a barbeque with her kids and some friends, and biking over to the Bay to watch fireworks—a nice way to celebrate the festivities. This has been a very busy month of celebrations so far, but Abby always enjoys her friends and family time.

Sheila went on a “ladies trip” to Scotland with four of John’s coworkers she has befriended over the years and it was a lot of fun! They stayed in an AirBNB in Edinburgh and were able to explore all over, including taking a book lover’s tour of the city on the Royal Mile, having high tea at Edinburgh Castle, and having dinner at the Whisky Society. They also took a bus tour to strategically important Stirling Castle, known as the Gateway to the Scottish Highlands. Since Sheila got back, the family has been getting outside on the weekends and taking advantage of outdoor summer concerts that are happening again in San Diego where Anastasia gets to show off her dance moves!

Summer is in full swing for the Hurleys. Livi loves summer school and is looking forward to camps planned later in the season. Jessica and Mike hosted their annual 4th of July gathering on Sail Bay. The girls had a blast on matching pink kayaks with mom and dad following by paddleboard. The family has also been enjoying the zoo, especially the new children’s area and skyride.


CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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