Money Matters

Out & About – December 2021

29 Dec 2021 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

The CCMI team had a busy end of the year! Between charitable contributions, Roth conversions, navigating taxable distributions from mutual funds, and completing all the other everyday tasks, December is a jam-packed month and we love it. Our team shows up every day to work hard for our clients and December certainly brings a little more pace to what we normally do.

Brian and Kim attended an Entrepreneur Organization event called “Next Level Best Self” with speaker Warren Rustand. They enjoyed the event, where they learned how they can strive to reach alignment with work and their personal lives. 

The CCMI team spent a morning filming videos for each advisor and the team. Be on the lookout sometime next year for new videos on our website!

December is also the season for catching up on continuing education credits that are due by the end of the year. Advisors attended a number of educational sessions in December to make sure we meet the requirements necessary to maintain good standing in a variety of industry organizations.

The CCMI team held our annual compliance meeting in December. Our Chief Compliance Officer (Brian) reviewed our responsibilities to keep our clients safe and protected, and alerted the team of changes to policies and procedures that will take place in the New Year.

Finally, the CCMI team held another food challenge in mid-December. This time it was a challenge to see who could make the best soup!  

Kim was busy early in the month assisting clients with tax planning and helping to provide portfolio information to assist with 2021 taxes. She also attended the Women in Business holiday party, which took place at urban winery Charlie & Echo. It was a nice way to end a challenging year with many of their gatherings being via Zoom. They have been able to enjoy each other’s company and are glad they are able to meet in person again.

Matt Ryan is in the process of joining Rotary Club #33. Rotary is a service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service and advance goodwill and peace around the world. Matt will become an official member in January 2022. 

Tina continues to prepare financial plans and implement investment changes for our clients as well as address end-of-year planning opportunities and deadlines. She participated in a seminar where she learned the newest ways to optimize the financial planning process as well as engage the clients through the implementation phase.

On the Home Front

Brian had a full house for the holidays as his home of 5 grew to a home of 16! Nikki’s sisters and their families, as well as her dad, joined the Matters in San Diego for the holidays. The family enjoyed having a busy household, checking out the sights in San Diego, and eating lots of good food.

Matt Showley and his family are enjoying decorating their remodeled home for Christmas for the first time. After a very eventful year, the Showleys are having a quiet holiday season at home visiting with friends and family to celebrate this year.

Kim’s parents decided to visit from Maine for several weeks this winter. Kim and Tyler enjoy their company and her parents prefer the San Diego sunshine over the long winters of Maine!  During the holidays, they enjoyed playing cribbage and working on various 2,000-piece jigsaw puzzles. They are always looking to do a puzzle exchange!

Matt Ryan hosted a dinosaur- themed birthday party for his son Reid who turned one year old in December. Reid had a cake of his own he could smash and throw around the room. He was also given a school bus to “drive” around the house that constantly plays the song, “The Wheels on the Bus.” 

Tina and her family went to Maui for Thanksgiving this year.  They enjoyed hiking to the Nakalele Blowhole, snorkeling the Molokini Crater, swimming with the turtles, and spending time together as a family.

After an unforgettable vacation in Wisconsin last month, Mike and Monica are happy to be home. They are making do without a kitchen sink or a master bathroom because of a minor refresh/remodel that may not be finished until spring. Undeterred, Monica still managed to put up a small Christmas tree, bring out her favorite ornament collections, and bake cookies. Cole got a Corgi puppy named Barney and the family is enjoying its newest member.

December was a busy month for Abby; every weekend was a small gathering of some kind. She was able to go to San Francisco for one of the weekends and join her high school girlfriends for a holiday brunch. She spent a whole day enjoying her friends and reminiscing about the good old days! Abby also got to host and spend Christmas Day with her kids and a few family members, complete with lots of food, relaxing, and enjoying each other’s company. She feels very thankful for her family and friends, and all she has, and is closing out the year with a grateful heart.

December was also busy for Sheila, John, and Anastasia. At the beginning of the month, John and Sheila attended a small, outdoor ugly sweater party at Sheila’s college friend’s house, where the hosts purchased a fire pit for the occasion! The following weekend, they were able to watch a friend’s son’s Bar Mitzvah on Zoom and the next day they had hot chocolate and ice cream at the Holiday on Adams Avenue in Kensington Park. The highlight was watching a local ice company make snow for the kids to play in and watching the fun when everyone was allowed on it! Later, they went to the “Snow N Glow” Holiday Festival at the Del Mar Racetrack, where they walked around the lights and Anastasia got another chance to play in snow. They spent a low-key Christmas at home, eating dinner with their neighbors. The last week of December, John’s brother and family joined them in San Diego and they all drove to Palm Desert to celebrate the holiday week before New Year’s.

Jessica and Mike hosted a Rapunzel-themed outdoor party for their daughter, Gigi’s fourth birthday. They made giant bubbles, had a pull-string pinata, painted on canvases, and had a special visit from the real Rapunzel! Gigi also had her preschool recital, where she sang “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Livi had her hip hop recital and danced her little heart out to “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” Jessica is shocked at how comfortable her girls are on stage, a trait they both received from their dad!


CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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