Money Matters

Out & About – April 2021

29 Apr 2021 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

The CCMI team enjoyed some friendly March Madness competition by submitting their brackets for the annual NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Competition was tough with the elimination of some early favorites. In the end, Brian’s bracket came out the winner and he became CCMI’s first two-time champion! 

Brian finished up the firm’s annual amendment to the disclosure statement and Form CRS. You can find the most recent copy of each on the CCMI website. 

Matt Showley is in his last three months as a board member and past president of the Estate Planning Council of San Diego and is beginning to look at other opportunities for board positions in the community. Matt is still serving on the board of Junior Achievement of San Diego, where he is volunteering with local high school students and assisting teachers with financial topics like investing and entrepreneurship.

Matt Ryan has been working his way through a training course focused on taxes in efforts to stay up-to-date on the latest changes. This tax course is geared toward financial advisors and tax savings strategies we might be able to help implement for our clients. 

Abby is looking forward to the Kleintop event in May. She really enjoys learning more and more, helping her build a good foundation in this business.   

Kim has been working on transitioning out of the president role with Women in Business as her term ends in June, but she plans to stay on the board. While it was a difficult year to lead the group, they made the best of it and were able to continue moving forward almost seamlessly. The dedication of the board to continue with fun virtual programs, cooking events, and book club meetings was a positive over the past year.

The CCMI team also stayed busy with quarterly reports and rebalancing during the month of April.

On the Home Front

Brian’s family was on the go! For spring break, the family took a road trip to southern Utah to take in many of the national parks. They enjoyed exploring Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Capitol Reef National Park, Goblin Valley State Park, and Arches National Park (pictured at Delicate Arch) during their week-long getaway. Highlights included hiking very narrow slot canyons, beautiful arches, and challenging climbs with a via ferrata climbing route near Arches National Park. Great family memories!

Matt Showley and his family are very excited to move back into their home in mid-May after a nine-month remodel. They are busy packing (again) and coordinating final details for their house. Pictures to come next month! Also, the Showley kids were very excited to return to in-person school in April and really enjoy being with their teachers and friends again.

During the month of April, Sheila, John, and Anastasia took advantage of the spring weather to get outside. On Easter weekend, they went to a drive-through Spring Candy Grab and Go sponsored by the city of San Diego, where Anastasia got to wave to the Easter Bunny from her carseat and enjoy some treats. She wrote a card addressed to the Easter Bunny and was so happy to receive an Easter basket on Sunday morning. That Sunday, they spent time on Zoom with family and they are all looking forward to seeing each other in-person once all the adults are vaccinated. Sheila and Anastasia have also noticed the return of monarch butterflies in their neighborhood and a neighbor gifted Anastasia some ladybugs he bought at a garden store. They plan to spend some quality time in their small backyard garden this spring!

Matt Ryan and his family took a vacation over to Kona, Hawaii. They toured a coffee farm, did some snorkeling, and explored a few lava tubes; even their four-month-old seemed to enjoy the family’s activities.

For all the dog lovers out there, here’s a picture of Abby’s fur babies at Easter. Abby celebrated Easter together with her kids and had a doggy Easter egg hunt the dogs loved, as it was treat heaven for them. Plastic eggs were hidden around the yard and Abby’s kids ran around to help find them. It was actually just as fun for all the adults! Abby also had a couple of friends visiting from out of town in April, who got to listen to live music at a restaurant, bike the lovely beach communities and enjoy the nice weather. It seems that things are getting back to normal in San Diego.

On April 1, Monica completed 365 days in a row of her movement goal on her Apple Watch. This started last year when the CCMI team did a walking challenge and Monica kept up the pace. She and her family enjoyed a beautiful backyard dinner to celebrate Easter. Mike and Monica have been riding their bikes on the weekends to meet up with friends for bonfires, picnics, and even the chance to listen to outdoor live music in Coronado with Kim Benson and her husband, Tyler.

Kim and Tyler worked on some backyard projects and have been continuing their fitness regimen. One weekend, Kim biked 80 miles, her longest distance yet, and Tyler ran 20 for a combined 100 miles of activity! They have started planning trips now that things appear to be opening up again and are excited to see loved ones.

CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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