Money Matters

Out & About – September 2020

30 Sep 2020 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

CCMI is pleased to welcome Abby Baumgartel as our newest team member. She joins the CCMI team after spending the majority of her career at Toyota Financial Services in the San Diego area. We are thrilled to have Abby on the team and look forward to introducing her to you! 

The CCMI team enjoyed a lunch together to wish Katie Williford well as she departed the firm to coach lacrosse at a small college in Oregon. We will miss her and will be rooting for her in her new role.

Brian virtually attended a portion of Dimensional Fund Advisors Advanced Conference, which covered the latest research and trends in the investment management industry. CCMI team members are always learning as we look to improve our services for our clients.

Matt Showley attended his quarterly Scripps Advisory Board meeting to learn more about the different technologies and innovations within Scripps that have been developed since COVID-19 began to help maintain hospital capacity and plan for future changes with the pandemic.

Kim continues to work hard with her board members to keep Women In Business going and providing options for getting together safely, mostly virtually. Mid-month, she hosted a virtual book club and participated in a virtual wine tasting event held by Orfila, and at the end of the month, she participated with fellow WIB members for the “I Love a Clean San Diego” 36th annual coastal cleanup day!

Matt Ryan began work on a few new marketing pieces for the website and continues to produce periodic educational video content for our social media pages. 

On the Home Front

Sheila, John, and Anastasia have had a low-key September so far as they decided to stay close to home for Labor Day. They did attend one socially distanced birthday party for Anastasia’s friend in Golden Hill Park, which has nice shady areas and trees for the kids to climb. It felt great to get outside. They are all managing distance-learning kindergarten together and are very happy with Anastasia’s teacher. Sheila and John are quite impressed with the teacher’s ability to manage 24 kindergarteners virtually! 


Matt Showley and his family are excited to see the expanded concrete foundation being poured on their home remodel. It is the first “new” aspect of the project after demolition and site preparation, which took several weeks. The Showley kids (1st and 4th grade) are again getting used to attending school from home and have had a good attitude about everything, even though they miss their friends.

Brian’s family enjoyed beach camping over Labor Day weekend. The Matters enjoyed escaping the extreme heat that weekend by soaking off in the cool ocean water and enjoying a breeze by the coast. The days were filled with boogie boarding, body surfing, digging forts in the sand, and surfing.     

Kim continues to ride her bike with her friends every weekend, usually between 30 and 50 miles! They’ve gone every weekend since March, only missing one weekend of riding when Kim and Tyler were out of town.  It has been a great way to get out of the house, enjoy a change in scenery, socialize, and exercise.

Matt Ryan and his wife Jess are expecting their first child! They are having a boy and are very excited to welcome him into the world this December. They have been busy preparing the nursery and have decided to go with a zoo theme. They celebrated last month by taking a “babymoon” trip to Boston MA and Cape Cod. Their favorite part was walking the Freedom Trail while listening to the audio tour.

Matt Ryan’s birthday was also in September and he celebrated with a family event at Lake View Park overlooking the Miramar Reservoir in Scripps Ranch. There are a lot of birthdays in Matt’s family at the end of August and beginning of September, so this was a joint celebration. The turnout was smaller than normal due to the pandemic, but it was still nice to spread out on the grass to enjoy a sunset with family.

The Larson family is happy to see the start of the football season! Sundays in the fall will be spent watching the Green Bay Packers play. While Monica and Mike are happy to just watch games, Alex and Cole are always calculating who to play on their fantasy teams. Monica has continued the CCMI exercise challenge that was started in April and has 165 continuous days of completing her “Move” goal!

CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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