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RTX Lifetime Income Strategy — Is This Option Right For You?

Planning for retirement can feel like navigating a maze of financial decisions and investment options. One strategy that has garnered attention as there have been…

Mega Backdoor Roth Strategies for RTX (Raytheon) Employees

Are you a high-income earner at RTX (Raytheon Technologies) maximizing your pre-tax or Roth contributions to your RTX 401(k) over and above that valuable employer…

RTX (Raytheon Technologies) 401(K): 3 Scenarios Employees Should Consider

Comprehensive retirement planning involves managing factors such as market fluctuations, inflation, or an unexpected income change in your family. These situations may feel concerning, especially…

Retirement Planning While Caring for Aging Parents

As you approach retirement age, a moment may arise when your concerns shift from raising and supporting your children to the care of your aging…

How to Navigate RTX (Raytheon) Stock for Retirement Planning

A comprehensive retirement plan has become a critical component of financial well-being. Many Americans now rely on 401(k) plans as their primary retirement savings vehicle….

Case Study: CCMI Designs Multipronged Roadmap for Young High Income Earners

Meet Adam and Elizabeth Adam and Elizabeth are a married couple in their early 40s who live in California with two young children under age…

What is Tax-Loss Harvesting? And Why You May Want to Consider It Before Year-End

With the stock markets down, you may be concerned looking at the performance and value of your investments. Some of your securities, which you may…

2022 Year-End Tax Planning Checklist

As 2022 quickly draws to a close, there are various planning issues to consider that may affect your tax payments and financial situation in 2023….

Raytheon Technologies Employees: Should you change your 401(k) contribution or allocation?

It is not a secret that the stock market had a rough start to the year. Sometimes when we see our balances going down, we…

Three Topics Retirees Should Discuss Before Returning to Work

A second-act or encore career is a common pursuit of retirees or near-retirees following decades of hard work, perhaps building a business and fulfilling professional…