Money Matters

Out & About January 2025

30 Jan 2025 by: CCMI 

At the Firm

The CCMI team has been busy to start the new year. Along with the typical rebalancing and quarterly report activities, we have had to update our systems to account for the new required minimum distributions, prepare for tax information, and complete other tasks like updating compliance calendars.

Brian has been busy preparing our updated disclosure statement, which will be sent to all CCMI clients once complete. He also attended two workshops, one on health and longevity and the other on redefining your vision as you look to 2030. Both were thought-provoking and educational.

The CCMI team kicked off an eight-week health challenge with a workout at Fitness Quest 10 in Scripps Ranch. We enjoyed getting to work out together, and are looking forward to improving our health to continue to bring our best to the office for our clients. 

Kim continues to enjoy being co-chair of the Grotarian committee at Rotary to help new members connect with others and learn more about Rotary. She is in the process of helping plan the January get-together and February Rotary event at the CCMI office. Kim also attended the Women in Business book club in January, where they talked about “The River We Remember” after about an hour of socializing.

On the Home Front

Brian’s family enjoyed celebrating his grandpa’s 100th birthday (along with his twin sister) in January. Over 60 family members and friends gathered at a restaurant in Dana Point to celebrate the twins hitting the century mark. Even more impressive, his grandpa drove himself to and from the restaurant. Brian knows he has to plan for potential longevity for himself in his personal financial plan thanks to good family genes!

Matt Showley enjoyed some time off during the week between Christmas and New Year’s to tackle some projects around the house, enjoy time at home with Lizzie and Jacob while they were off of school, and visit with friends around the holidays. It was a great time to unwind after a busy year. On New Year’s Eve, the Showley kids definitely had more energy than their parents and they all managed to make it to midnight to watch the ball drop. In January, Matt joined his dad for two SDSU Men’s Basketball home games.

​​Kim’s parents are in town, escaping the cold Maine winter! Over the holidays, Kim’s sister Kathy was also here visiting so they could spend time all together.  Everyone is grateful for the beautiful San Diego weather and all the fun things San Diego has to offer!

The holiday season was full of activity for Tina, including holiday parties, a trip to Cleveland to be with her extended family over Christmas, and a themed New Year’s Eve party at SDYC followed by a quick ski trip to Deer Valley, Utah, in early January to start off the year. 

After having a white Christmas in Wisconsin, Monica and Mike were happy to celebrate 2025 in sunny San Diego! They spent time with visiting relatives and friends, extending the holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, their hopes of cheering the Packers to a Super Bowl came to an end with a loss in a wild card playoff game. Oh well, there is always next year. They are working on small projects to spruce up the outside of their home. Mike is fixing sprinklers so Monica can start planting for spring!

Abby and her kids continued their yearly tradition of going to their family friend’s cabin in Wrightwood. Every year, they’ve enjoyed time together playing games, including competitive games of pool, and celebrating her son’s birthday. This year, the weather didn’t bring any snow but it was still brisk enough to enjoy a fire every night. They love this tradition and look forward to it every year.

The Hurleys enjoyed having family visit from England over the holidays and exploring San Diego together. They also had an especially fun Christmas morning paddling on the bay and pausing to admire all the beautifully decorated trees on the shore. It was a calm and quiet day on the water and made the family feel grateful to live in such a special place!

The highlight of the month for the Willifords was taking the girls to Disneyland for Mackenzie’s first birthday. It was definitely a memorable experience with meeting Disney characters and going on rides together as a family! Another fun update is that Mackenzie is getting closer to walking!

This month, Alana is feeling refreshed and motivated after the holidays! She loved spending time with her family, with a highlight being her first-ever jet ski adventure off Coronado — so much fun! As she kicks off the new year, Alana is focusing on getting back into her exercise routine, reading regularly, and enjoying quality time with friends.

Over the past month, the Klines traveled to Arizona to spend time with Kyle’s family for the holiday season. They celebrated Christmas and New Year’s in San Diego with Rebecca’s family. They had a great time being around family for the holidays. The highlight of the month was taking the kids to Legoland for Brook’s birthday and Monster Jam at Snapdragon Stadium. The kids had so much fun going on the different rides and seeing all the creations made from Legos. At Monster Jam, they loved watching the monster trucks race and enjoyed dancing to the music playing over the loudspeaker. They look forward to many more family adventures in 2025! 

CCMI provides personalized fee-only financial planning and investment management services to business owners, professionals, individuals and families in San Diego and throughout the country. CCMI has a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professionals who act as fiduciaries, which means our clients’ interests always come first.
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